About the Company

For the Client: Patti’s Angels Healthcare Advocates, LLC are committed to the guidance and assistance of our clients throughout their healthcare journey. We are honored you have chosen us to help you. A patient advocate is your very own personal medical representative. We will be the voice for those who may not feel comfortable speaking up for themselves within the healthcare system. We will be the voice of those who are under informed and/or hesitant to request clarification from their healthcare providers. We provide services such as coordinating medical visits and treatments, arranging transportation to and from appointments, clarification of diagnoses, prescriptions, and lab/diagnostic results. We will help you seek out alternative avenues to your care when time becomes a stressful factor. You may have left a doctor’s appointment, been discharged from a hospital or rehab facility with unanswered questions. Patient advocates will help you navigate the healthcare system. Navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming, fearful, and confusing. Have you ever been prescribed medication and you didn’t understand why? Wondered, should I get a second opinion? Wondered, am I getting the best possible medical care? Had questions you needed answers to, and they were left unanswered? We will help you communicate with your medical providers to ensure full understanding of the information given to you. This will assist you in making well informed decisions related to your care. As our client, we will bridge the gap between you and the healthcare system.

For the Loved Ones: Patti’s Angels Healthcare Advocates, LLC are committed to the guidance and assistance of our clients throughout their healthcare journey. We are honored you have chosen us to help you. A patient advocate is your loved one's very own personal medical representative. We will be the voice of your loved one who may not feel comfortable speaking up for themselves within the healthcare system. We will be the voice of loved ones who are under informed and/or hesitant to request clarification from their healthcare providers. We provide services such as coordinating medical visits and treatments, arranging transportation to and from appointments, clarification of diagnoses, prescriptions, and lab/diagnostic results. We work diligently to ensure your loved ones receive the best possible care. We alleviate our client’s loved ones by providing, 

  • Peace of mind

  • Constant and up to date information 

  • Personal medical representation 

  • The ability to focus on quality time with your loved one, rather than navigating through your lives and their healthcare needs

We will bridge the gap between our client and the healthcare system, while guiding you down the path to spending quality time with them.

Cell: (813) - 690 - 2806                                                                                                         www.pattisangels.com