Meet the Founder

 Nurses are patient advocates. Hello, my name is Patti Kurkiewicz, RN. I sincerely thank you for visiting my website and am honored to be a part of your journey. I founded Patti’s Angels Healthcare Advocates, LLC with the dream of helping those who need to be heard, seen, and understood by the healthcare system.

 Being a willing and helping hand for patients in need has been my passion in life. I have had the opportunity to be this person for my loved ones as a wife to my amazing husband Matt of 20+ years, and as mom to our beautiful daughters, Ava and Audra. As a Registered Nurse and patient advocate, I put my passion into practice in the medical field as a bridge between patients in need and their healthcare. My path to patient advocacy is inspired by both my personal and professional experiences.

 My devotion and dedication to the medical field began very early on. My Dad was an incredible physician who poured his heart and soul into the care of his patients--treating everyone with the utmost compassion, respect, and dignity. One of the many things I learned from him and still carry with me to this day, are the elements one needs to possess when working in this field, and for that I am eternally grateful.

 In November 2018, my Mom was diagnosed with squamous cell bladder cancer: one of the rarest forms. We were overwhelmed, fearful, and confused by the knowledge we gained and what was yet to come. My Mom became a patient at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Over the next eight months, she completed six rounds of chemotherapy, blood transfusions, multiple urgent care visits, and a vast array of other treatments. In June of 2019, she endured a surgery that removed her bladder, kidney, sixty-plus lymph nodes, and left her with an ostomy.

 My Mom could have chosen to give up at any moment and throw in the towel, but from the beginning I vowed to her that I would be by her side, holding her hand, every minute, of every hour, of every day with the hopes and prayers of remission.

 Fortunately, my Mom has now been cancer free for almost three years and is living her life to the fullest. I want to be an advocate for others, who like my Mom was, are facing the most challenging moments of their lives and need the absolute best care available.

 As previously stated, nurses are patient advocates. Through many years as a nurse, wife, mother, daughter, and friend, I have helped, defended, and navigated for many people along the way. I helped my friend’s father in his final days, another friend through her journey with breast cancer, my friend’s mom through lung cancer, and the list continues to grow.

 You can teach someone skills of care, what you cannot teach them is compassion. Compassion, and the desire to help those in substantial need, comes from within. I hope that one day, whoever you are and wherever you may be, I will have the opportunity and honor to work with you and your loved one.